Physical geology I
- Introduction to modern dynamic geology and comprehensive overview of the main geological processes, their physical nature, geodynamic causes and driving forces
- Internal structure and composition of the Earth and magmatic and metamorphic processes
- Global tectonics and movements of lithospheric plates
- Origin and development of sedimentary basins
- Concept of geological time, and the development of the Earth from its inception to the present.

Laboratory course in physical geology I
- In-depth practical introduction into geological processes that form common types of rock-forming minerals and basic types of magmatic, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks
- Introduction into work with a geologic compass, processing of geologic orientation data, construction of geologic maps, and interpretation of cross-sections

Field Training Course of Geological mapping
- Basic methods of field geological investigations;
- Obtaining practical abilities in distinguishing of the rocks types and assembling of the geological map;
- Training in basic methods of structural geology, quaternary geology, sedimentology and volcanology
- Complete geological developement of the studied region

Plutons, volcanoes, and orogeny through time
- Overview of the evolution of magmatic systems in space and time, with an emphasis on a genetic link between magmatism and plate tectonics
- A variety of intriguing issues related to mechanisms of emplacement and structural inventory, compositional and textural zonality, and magnetism of igneous bodies as a “recorder” of tectonic
- Evolution of magmatism at convergent plate boundaries and in collisional orogens
- Cyclicity of magmatism in magmatic arcs, the mechanisms of magma ascent under volcanoes and the structural record of pyroclastic eruptions of stratovolcanoes and calderas

Rock magnetism in practice
- Application of rock magnetic methods on various geodynamic processes
- Short block of lectures oriented on anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetization (AMS and ARM), paleomagnetism and magnetic mineralogy
- Field works focused sampling procedure will be introduced
- Processing and measuring samples in the Laboratory of Rock Magnetism.
- Independent work on their seminar theses including data processing and interpretations
Full list of our courses
Course code | Title | Semester | Language | E-credits | Guarantor(s) |
MG421P00 | Physical geology I | winter | Czech | 5 | prof. RNDr. Jiří Žák, Ph.D. |
MG421P31 | Introduction to Physical Geology (for biology) | winter | Czech | 3 | prof. RNDr. Jiří Žák, Ph.D. |
MG420T06 | Field course of geology | spring | Czech | 2 | prof. RNDr. Jiří Žák, Ph.D. |
MG420P10 | Plutons, volcanoes, and orogeny through time | spring | English | 3 | prof. RNDr. Jiří Žák, Ph.D. |
MG421T04E | Geologic field trips (for Erasmus students) | spring | English | 2 | prof. RNDr. Jiří Žák, Ph.D. |
MG421T04 | Geologic field trips (for biology) | spring | Czech | 2 | prof. RNDr. Jiří Žák, Ph.D. |
MG421P09Z | Fundamentals of geology for geographers | spring | Czech | 5 | Mgr. Filip Tomek, Ph.D. |
MG421T02U | Field course in Physical Geology | spring | Czech | 2 | Mgr. Filip Tomek, Ph.D. |
MG420P11 | Rock magnetism in practice | spring | English | 2 | Mgr. Filip Tomek, Ph.D. |
MG421C21A | Laboratory course in physical geology I | winter | Czech | 2 | Mgr. Filip Tomek, Ph.D. |
MG421C21B | Laboratory course in physical geology II | spring | Czech | 2 | Mgr. Filip Tomek, Ph.D. and Mgr. Roland Nádaskay, Ph.D. |
MG420P09 | Journal Club of the Institute of Geology and Paleontology | winter and spring | English | 2 | Mgr. Filip Tomek, Ph.D. and Mgr. Filip Scheiner, Ph.D. |
MG421P08 | Regional Geology (basic) | spring | Czech | 5 | doc. RNDr. Václav Kachlík, CSc. |
MG421P07 | Regional Geology I (advanced) | winter | Czech | 5 | doc. RNDr. Václav Kachlík, CSc. |
MG421T24 | Field Course from the Regional Geology | spring | Czech | 2 | doc. RNDr. Václav Kachlík, CSc. |
MG421T10 | Field Training Course of Geological mapping | spring | Czech | 3 | doc. RNDr. Václav Kachlík, CSc. |
MG431T84 | Field didactic course for geology teachers | spring | Czech | 2 | doc. RNDr. Václav Kachlík, CSc. |
MG421P21 | Natural disasters | spring | Czech | 2 | doc. RNDr. Václav Kachlík, CSc. |
MDPS047 | Landscape assesment from the point of view of geosciences | winter | Czech | 3 | doc. RNDr. Václav Kachlík, CSc. |